The basketball court meets the law court in this week’s New York Business Divorce, featuring an unusual lawsuit brought by a minority member of the LLC that owns the WNBA’s Tulsa Shock, seeking to stop its recently announced move to Dallas.
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Court Upholds Complaint Seeking Common Law Dissolution of Family-Owned Business

In New York, the common law right to judicial dissolution of a closely held corporation has existed for about 50 years, but there have few reported cases on the subject, which gives all the more reason to read this week’s New York Business Divorce highlighting an important decision earlier this month by Justice Alan Scheinkman in White v. Fee, denying a motion to dismiss a common law dissolution claim involving a family-owned business.
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“So If We Shut the Lights on This Sucker” and Other Things Not to Say on Tape When Squeezing Out a Fellow Shareholder

When you can’t be a fly on the wall, a discreetly placed tape recorder may be the next best thing. That, at least, is one of the lessons taught by Feinberg v. Silverberg, decided last month by Nassau County Justice Ira Warshawsky, in which the court granted a preliminary injunction in a shareholder dispute based on tape recordings that captured the defendant planning to oust his business partner. Don’t miss it in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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