The irony of litigation over buy-sell agreements is that such agreements are specifically intended to avoid litigation when owners die or become disabled or otherwise seek to exit the firm. Take, for example, last week’s Appellate Division ruling, reversing the lower court’s decision dismissing a claim to enforce an operating agreement’s buy-sell provision. Better yet, read about it in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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Peter A. Mahler
Top 10 Business Divorce Cases of 2024
This week’s New York Business Divorce proudly presents its 17th annual survey of the past year’s Top 10 business divorce cases featured on this blog. …
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Diving Into the Shallow Waters of New York Law Permitting Elimination of LLC Managers’ Liability for Breach of Fiduciary Duty
New York’s LLC Law authorizes operating agreements to eliminate manager and member fiduciary duties, but does it really? Find out in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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Appellate Division Construes LLC Law 608 as Giving Voting Rights to a Deceased Member’s Estate
In this week’s New York Business Divorce, read about last week’s important Appellate Division decision for the first time explicitly holding that LLC Law 608 gives member voting rights to the estate of a deceased member.
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Foreign Affairs of the Books and Records Kind
New York case law concerning shareholder rights to inspect books and records of foreign business entities is far from settled. This week’s New York Business Divorce features two recent decisions in books and records cases involving a Delaware corporation and a Nevada LLC, with mixed results.
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Recent Appellate Rulings Address Novel Issues in General Partnership Disputes
While the general partnership form of business association is long past its prime, we still see the occasional partnership dispute make its way to court. This week’s New York Business Divorce looks at recent appellate decisions from Pennsylvania and New Jersey resolving novel issues in two such disputes.
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Summer Shorts: An Unusual Application of LLC Law § 608 and Other Decisions of Interest
This week’s New York Business Divorce proudly presents the 14th annual edition of Summer Shorts featuring brief commentary on three recent decisions of interest in business divorce cases in the New York courts.
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Did Chancery Court Just Crack Open the Door to Equitable Dissolution of LLCs?

Delaware Chancery Court’s contractarian approach to all things LLC, embedded statutorily in Section 18-1101(b) of the Delaware LLC Act (“It is the policy of this chapter to give the maximum effect to the principle of freedom of contract and to the enforceability of limited liability company agreements”), has been no less forceful in its rich body of caselaw tethering LLC members to the text of their operating agreement when addressing applications for judicial dissolution of LLCs under Section 18-802 of the Act.
Section 18-802, which closely resembles New York’s LLC Law Section 702, authorizes Chancery to decree dissolution of an LLC “whenever it is not reasonably practicable to carry on the business in conformity with a limited liability company agreement.” In a string of seminal decisions including Haley (2004), Silver Leaf (2005), Seneca (2008) Fisk Ventures (2009), and Arrow (2009), Chancery developed a two-prong standard for judicial dissolution either where there exists deadlock that prevents the LLC from operating with no mechanism in the operating agreement to break deadlock, or where the LLC’s purpose as defined in the operating agreement cannot be carried out.
In Vice Chancellor Laster’s 2015 Carlisle opinion, which I wrote about here, the court broke new, not-so-contractarian ground by holding that it could order the dissolution of an LLC under the court’s traditional equity jurisdiction at the behest of a non-member assignee of a membership interest who otherwise lacked standing to seek dissolution under Section 18-802.
But that’s not the sort of equitable dissolution I want to focus on. The sort I have in mind is where the court entertains and grants a statutory claim for judicial dissolution of an LLC where the facts don’t fit neatly or at all the articulated standard yet the equities as between the parties demand dissolution as a matter of good old-fashioned fairness. Delaware’s contractarian LLC jurisprudence does not welcome that definition of equitable dissolution, nor can I point to any examples of Chancery decisions that fit that bill.
Until now, at least arguably.
In a post-trial opinion handed down earlier this month by Vice Chancellor Will in Gibson v Konick, the court ordered dissolution of an LLC formed for the purpose of owning a vacation home. The LLC had two, formerly romantically involved, 50/50 members. The operating agreement named one of them sole manager, hence there was no deadlock as that term is normally used to refer to the contractual inability to exercise managerial authority. The operating agreement’s stated purpose was to acquire, develop, and own residential property. Those purposes either were achieved or remained attainable.
So how did the court conclude grounds for dissolution under Section 18-802? As I see it, in a word: fairness.Continue Reading Did Chancery Court Just Crack Open the Door to Equitable Dissolution of LLCs?
Dissolution Undone
Business divorce and non-judicial dissolution of a business entity rarely cross paths. This week’s New York Business Divorce highlights recent cases involving efforts to rescind improperly filed certificates of dissolution of LLCs.
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It Takes More Than a Litigation Tsunami Between Hostile Members to Obtain Judicial Dissolution of a Realty-Holding LLC
A recent Commercial Division decision illustrates anew the elevated challenge of suing for judicial dissolution of a viable realty-holding company — even when the estranged co-members are already immersed in multiple litigations. Read about it in this week’s New York Business Divorce. …
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