In a recent decision by Justice Andrea Masley, the court dismissed a petition to dissolve a realty holding LLC based on the operating agreement’s broad purpose clause of the any-lawful-business type. Get the full story in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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LLC purpose
The Purposeless Purpose Clause Makes a Comeback — Or Does It?

Remember the “purposeless purpose clause” that featured prominently in last summer’s appellate ruling in the LLC dissolution case, Mace v Tunick? On remand, following a trial, Justice Alan Scheinkman once again dismissed the case. Find out why in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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LLC’s Purpose Being Achieved? Business Doing Fine? Good Luck Getting Judicial Dissolution

A minority member of an LLC that operates a Manhattan restaurant learned how tough it can be to get judicial dissolution of a financially sound LLC that’s achieving its intended purpose, notwithstanding allegations of majority oppression. It’s in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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