Professor Larry Ribstein recently published a highly informative paper called “Close Corporation Remedies and the Evolution of the Closely Held Firm” in which he relates the judicial dissolution remedy to the evolution of small business firms from partnerships to close corporations to the modern limited liability company. It’s essential reading for business divorce practitioners, and it’s in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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Rise of the Uncorporation
Interview with Law Professor Larry Ribstein on his New Book, “The Rise of the Uncorporation”

By Peter A. Mahler on
Posted in Interviews
Law Professor, prolific author and ABA Top-100 blogger Larry Ribstein is a superstar in the world of LLCs and other unincorporated business entities. This week’s New York Business Divorce presents an interview with Professor Ribstein on the subject of his new book, The Rise of the Uncorporation, which is must reading for anyone interested in this area of the law.
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