Last week’s Court of Appeals decision in Pappas v. Tzolis completes a trilogy of recent decisions by that court dismissing fiduciary breach claims by disappointed sellers concerning buy-out agreements that contain releases or waivers of fiduciary duty. Learn more in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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Does Waiver Trump Fiduciary Duty? Court of Appeals Hears Argument in Pappas v. Tzolis

The New York Court of Appeals heard oral argument this month of an appeal from the Appellate Division, First Department’s split decision in Pappas v. Tzolis pitting fiduciary duty against contractual waiver in the context of an intra-member buy-out of LLC membership interests. This week’s New York Business Divorce provides highlights of the oral argument and links to the argument’s webcast, the parties’ briefs, and other background materials. …
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Recent Appellate Rulings Clarify Standards for Challenging Releases Given to Fiduciaries of Closely Held Business Entities: Part 2

In this second installment of a two-part series, New York Business Divorce examines recent First Department decisions clarifying the standards for overcoming general releases given in the context of transactions with fiduciaries in closely held business entities, where the plaintiffs allege that the fiduciary fraudulently induced them to enter into the transaction. This week’s focus is on a case whose name should be familiar to regular readers of this blog, Arfa v. Zamir, 2010 NY Slip Op 06070 (1st Dept July 13, 2010).
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Recent Appellate Rulings Clarify Standards for Challenging Releases Given to Fiduciaries of Closely Held Business Entities: Part 1

This week and next, New York Business Divorce examines two recent First Department decisions clarifying the standards for overcoming general releases given in the context of transactions with fiduciaries in closely held business entities, where the plaintiffs allege that the fiduciary fraudulently induced them to enter into the transaction. This week’s focus is on Centro Empresarial Cempresa S.A. v. America Movil S.A.B. de C.V., 2010 NY Slip Op 04719 (1st Dept June 3, 2010).
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Does Operating Agreement’s Clause Permitting Competitive Activities Eliminate Member’s Fiduciary Duty to Disclose Negotiations to Sell LLC’s Assets Before Buying Out Co-Members?

It’s hard to imagine a more challenging fact pattern and set of legal issues for a law school exam than the one presented in real life in the recently decided case, Pappas v. Tzolis, involving a buyout among LLC members followed by the purchasing member’s sale of the LLC’s asset to an outside buyer for a price far in excess of the buyout, followed by a lawsuit by the former members claiming they were bamboozled by the buying member. Read all about it in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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Decision Lowers the Bar for Former Partner’s Claims of Fraudulent Buyout

An important appellate decision issued last week, sustaining a complaint alleging concealment of financial projections impacting on share price, demands the attention of business owners and their counsel considering the buyout of a minority partner. Read about it in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
Continue Reading Decision Lowers the Bar for Former Partner’s Claims of Fraudulent Buyout