Under traditional principles of business valuation, courts are generally expected to eschew metrics post-dating the valuation date. But often, litigants hoping to either increase or decrease an entity’s valuation ask courts to consider post-valuation date events or financial performance as affirmatory or disaffirmatory of financial projections or assumptions made before or as of the valuation date. Sometimes, litigants succeed in that endeavor. Read about a recent example in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
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valuation date
Basics of Valuation Proceedings – Litigating an Appraisal from Start to Finish – Part 3
Read about the accounting principles, methodologies, and standards that apply in business valuation proceedings in this week’s New York Business Divorce – the final installment of a three-part series.
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Withdraw a Dissolution Claim? Not So Fast

This week’s New York Business Divorce authored by Frank McRoberts focuses on a relatively rare issue decided by Albany Commercial Division Justice Richard Platkin involving a dissolution petitioner’s request for permission to withdraw the dissolution claim in order to defeat the majority’s buy-out election.
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Court-Ordered LLC Buy-Outs: What’s the Valuation Date?

In the absence of statutory authorization, a few courts have ordered equitable buy-outs in LLC dissolution cases. This week’s New York Business Divorce examines an important question in such cases: What valuation date should be used? …
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Case Highlights Importance of Valuation Date in Buy-Sell Agreement

The fascinating case of Mintz v Pazer, which was reported over a year ago featuring discussion of a “Quick Draw” buy-sell agreement, makes its second appearance in this week’s New York Business Divorce, this time highlighting a pair of recent decisions by Justice David Schmidt resolving disputes over the timing of appraisals and valuation date. …
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