Under traditional principles of business valuation, courts are generally expected to eschew metrics post-dating the valuation date. But often, litigants hoping to either increase or decrease an entity’s valuation ask courts to consider post-valuation date events or financial performance as affirmatory or disaffirmatory of financial projections or assumptions made before or as of the valuation date. Sometimes, litigants succeed in that endeavor. Read about a recent example in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
Continue Reading Can Post-Valuation Date Historical Performance Trump Pre-Valuation Date Financial Projections?

In this week’s New York Business Divorce, read about a rare decision considering whether to grant an untimely BCL 1118 buyout election and the unsavory consequence of the respondent’s delay: imposition of a million dollar bond.
Continue Reading The Worst of Both Worlds: Untimely Buyout Election Yields Full Merits Hearing and Huge Bond

In this week’s New York Business Divorce – the first in a three-part series about the statutory triggers, legal rules, and accounting principles of business valuation proceedings – learn about the routes business owners can take to an appraisal proceeding.
Continue Reading Basics of Valuation Proceedings – Litigating an Appraisal from Start to Finish – Part 1