Delaware law’s contractarian approach is central to that state’s jurisprudence concerning limited liability companies. Last month, in Huatuco v. Satellite Healthcare, the Court of Chancery cited freedom-of-contract in dismissing an action for judicial dissolution based on its finding that the LLC agreement’s provision, limiting member rights to those expressly granted in the agreement, constituted a waiver of the right to seek judicial dissolution. This week’s New York Business Divorce asks the question, does Huatuco take contractarianism too far?
Continue Reading Contractarianism Gone Wild?

A recent decision by Manhattan Commercial Division Justice Barbara Kapnick addressed the interplay between anti-assignment provisions in a limited partnership agreement and statutory rights of assignment under New York’s Uniform Limited Partnership Act. Get the full story in this week’s New York Business Divorce.
Continue Reading Do Not Pass Go: Court Rejects Assignment of Limited Partner’s Economic Interest