This week’s New York Business Divorce post examines a recent appellate court decision in which the Third Department searches the record to find deadlocked 50/50 members unable to carry on a realty LLC’s business, warranting dissolution.
Continue Reading Help Comes From an Unexpected Place in LLC Deadlock Dissolution: The Third Department

The key question in shareholder oppression claims is often whether the complaining shareholder’s expectations were reasonable under the circumstances.  A recent decision from Albany County and a recently published article highlight two sides of a debate about how “contractual” the reasonable expectations inquiry should be. 
Continue Reading Can a Shareholder Be Oppressed After Ceding Control? Oppression, Reasonable Expectations, and Contractual Formalism

November was a whirlwind month for New York LLC litigation.  It featured disputes over how to wind up a judicially dissolved LLC, a bitter intra-family emergency indemnification/advancement injunction, and the finale of a decade-long battle over the enforceability of a partially baked operating agreement.  Some of these recent cases add clarity to the growing body of New York LLC caselaw. Others add confusion.  But all add precedential footholds for future arguments in disputes between members of New York LLCs. Members and their counsel take note.Continue Reading A Leaf Through a Busy November in New York LLC Litigation

Can two contested dissolution petitions—one by each 50% shareholder based on the other’s alleged misconduct—yield a shortcut to uncontested dissolution? See what the Second Department has to say in this week’s post.
Continue Reading Dueling Dissolution Petitions Beget Dissolution Without Consideration of Alternate Remedies

How does one value a law firm’s caseload at dissolution? The litigation over the dissolution of Brown Chiari LLP has already made its mark on business divorce jurisprudence. As it approaches its sixth birthday, the case continues to deliver, with Erie County Commercial Division Justice Timothy J. Walker recently authoring two notable decisions concerning a partner’s interest in the firm’s substantial caseload at the time of its dissolution.
Continue Reading Disputes Abound When Law Firms Dissolve